Monday, September 23, 2013


How to Make Money Blogging

So you're wanting to know how to make money blogging. Maybe you love to write. Maybe you're looking for extra income, or want to market your current business. You've definitely come to the right place. I'm going to share secret strategies with you that will help take you to where you want to be.



How to Make Money Blogging - Sources of Income

There are three main ways people make money from blogging:

1.) Advertising  - There are multiple ways to setting up advertising campaigns on your site. Google AdSense is one quick and easy way to set up a revenue system. The problem is you have to have a ton of traffic before seeing any money from them. Individual campaigns with other companies relative to your field may have an interest in advertising with you as well. Again, huge traffic is the key to getting companies to advertise with you.

2.) Product/Service Sales - By informing your market, you can become a strategic leader and go to person. This increases traffic and trust which of course can also increase sales. Wedding photographers are a great example of a blogging sales strategy. Brides come to their site to see their work and can make an informed decision to buy based off of past weddings.

3.) Referral Sales - There are many companies out there who will give you money by linking to their site if the link becomes a sale.

What's great is that these three types of revenue can be used simultaneously and create for you multiple streams of income from your blog site. Now that is how to make money blogging!


How to Make Money Blogging - Write a Great Blog

Four tips for writing a great blog

1.) Make Your Blog Personal - When you pretend to be someone you're not, people can see right through it. I believe that women have an extreme key sense in this department. Be the fun or crazy person that everybody else loves. People want to not just be informed, but they want to see your personality. It's what separates you from just another wikipedia post. It's also what will bring people back to see what else you have to say.

2.) Write About Your Passion - When you write about something you're passionate about it shows. Passion is what makes you put in extra hours and extra effort to make something great. And even the strongest discipline cannot recreate the power behind passion.

3.) Keep the Dialog Going With Your Audience - If someone leaves a comment, especially a polite one, tell them thank you! Show them that you care and that you do want to hear from them. This will help you create a loyal audience that loves you!

4.) Do Your Homework - To inform others you must be informed. Study your industry and your passion to give you're readers the most bang for their buck. This will help position you as a leader in your industry.


How to Make Money Blogging - Spread the Word

If nobody knows about your blog, nobody will know how great it is. Take the time to spread the word about your blog through social media and search links. Creating traffic is necessary for making money blogging. If you really want to make your blog a primary or additional revenue stream or just want to get your business out there then CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO lLINK NOW.


How to Make Money Blogging,


Sarah, Make Money Blogging

From Sarah's Blog,


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