Thursday, September 26, 2013




Being a musician can be rough at times. Sure it's a blast performing and creating. I mean, they call it a "gift". What a lot of people don't see though is the ugly road taken that musicians take to find their way. Sometimes that includes spending all your hard earned money to make a cd that never recoups. Sometimes it includes sleeping in your car to get that one last gig in and save on the hotel room, or staying up until three in the morning to send hundreds of press kits out the next day. It may include knocking on doors and having people tell you you suck, when they've never even heard your music. Or even driving 10 hours to play to a room with 5 people in it. Yeah, being a musician is definitely not for the timid of heart, and I have no doubt that there are those with even worse war stories than that. It's not like becoming a doctor where you have the road laid out in front you, and you either pass or fail. No being a musician is much, much different. There are suggestions, but no sure signs. And you are never really sure if you ever pass or fail because, other then getting a record contract, (which you soon find out could still be failing), there are no clear road markers. There are really only two types of musicians. The ones who keep plugging away and doing it and those who go home and quit. The only other distinction is who makes a full time living at it, but even that changes from season to season for some. I don't have all the answers, but the one thing I've learned is that as long as you're playing and getting your stuff out there, you are a musician. And so my goal here with these notes I've been writing is to encourage musicians as much as I can, and everyday if possible. Because, Lord knows, that we need it. And my other goal is to help give you the tools you need to be a better musician and get your stuff heard!
Hey Musicians, Check out these sites for some awesome tools:
Musicians be empowered!
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost

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